Bailey’s Bush Tucker Trial Boob – just no BROCCOLI!

MARK: You know when you say something and then next day live to regret it? Um, well that’s exactly what’s happened to me. And in the cold light of a grey Frimley Monday morning, perhaps I should just have kept my big mouth shut!

Yesterday afternoon, the sun was shining and the fizz and beer were going down a treat. Guests of the Duckworth’s at their lovely garden party, conversation swiftly turned to international cuisine on our trip and what I was looking forward to eating most. “Street food” was my answer and then for some obscure reason (perhaps to do with the empty bottle in front of me) I asked the group to write down what they would like me to eat as part of a Foodie World Challenge. Big, big mistake!

As you can see from the photos below, some of the items I can do standing on my head – for example a gin in every country. Guinea Pigs I am told are not too bad. Even Kangaroo Penis’s I can handle, (if you pardon the expression) – if well cooked. But Broccoli – OMG! I hate the stuff with a passion, ever since I broke a tooth in Florida ten years ago. That is going to be a real problem.

Any way, if you want to add to my horror list, please feel free to add your food suggestions and I will try and do my best to deliver with a photograph as evidence. Just nothing green please.   IMG_7142 IMG_7143

Categories: Countdown Blog

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7 thoughts on “Bailey’s Bush Tucker Trial Boob – just no BROCCOLI!

  1. David

    Before you leave east copious amounts of bread and dripping with lashings of salt. This will grease your stomach and enable it to cope with everything that is thrown at you – or served – other than broccoli


  2. Tame suggestion from my mother there but good work from dad proposing hamster!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jeanette

    Hi Mark see if you can seek out & try durian fruit

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What about duck tongue or any type of tongue?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Louisa

    Trantula in Cambodia

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Apart from apples. Obviously.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. That’s funny, ‘cos broccoli is the ONLY thing on either list that I would eat 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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